Friday, November 2, 2012

Week 10/29: Ch. 10 Question 1

The marketing strategies I saw this past week are the use of celebrities, cute animals and babies, bizarre stories, songs, testimonies, bargains or deals, etc. For example, I saw a Chanel No. 5 commercial with Brad Pitt saying a philosophical spiel. It was effective in that I remember the commercial, but then what the heck does Brad Pitt have to do with a woman’s perfume? Sex appeal? I guess. But I’m not sold. Another commercial I saw was for a 3D game where the people playing the game are suddenly in the game, because you know, it’s 3D. I thought it was effective because it was humorous and “out there” that it became memorable. I’ve seen a bunch of commercials (sorry, I’ve been watching some TV) with people testifying to that company or product (weight loss miracles, for instance). Those throw me off because who knows if they really used those products or were just paid to be in the commercial. Many advertisements also use catchy songs or jingles that are quite nice to hear. I think those are effective because they’re not obnoxious and you don’t have to pay attention to long, details about a product. You just watch and listen and enjoy it. Adverts also include babies and other cute stuff that just make you go “aw.” Who wouldn’t squeal over babies? But then again, sometimes when a toddler or a cute animal is in the advertisement, I kind of neglect what the ad is really about. Overall, I think that cuteness, humor and the use of jingles/songs are effective. The use of celebrities and testimonies aren’t always.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you mentioned the Chanel No. 5 commercial! It cracks me up every time I see it. I mean he is sexy but really?! HAHA... Saturday Night Live actually did a skit about this and it was hilarious, you should look it up! The idea of using celebrities and testimonies usually is ridiculous, but it's obviously somehow effective because you walk away thinking about the person therefore thinking about the product. We don't really realize how much marketing techniques effect us until we really analyze different types of marketing we see everyday. No matter how ridiculous, absurd, or unintentional commercials are, they have an impact.
