I can identify memorization as one of my strengths. I can
look at an image and remember it quite easily later. I also come up with
mnemonic devices like acronyms or pictures that really help me with exams or
simply remembering things. This strength stems from taking science courses
since science, although constantly changing, is pretty much fixed once proven
and so memorizing concepts is effective in learning those concepts. Last
semester, I took physiology which is the hardest course I have had to take so
far. That class required a lot of memorization of bodily processes and
functions that were extensive and detailed down to the smallest units of the
body. Having the ability to memorize, and I mean actually learn things by heart
and remembering without struggling, comes in handy in learning a course like
physiology. I’m currently majoring in pre-nursing where that skill would also
be helpful. In studying nursing, we have to remember a lot of things like drugs
and dosages. In actually doing the job, we have to decide and remember things
quickly. I think the reasoning that best applies to nursing is determining the
conditions a patient has and then figuring out what that illness or diagnosis
is. We have to know certain symptoms and conditions and conclude from there
what to do after.
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