Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last Week: Question 2

My favorite thing about the class was the use of blog and discussions. I enjoyed hearing other students’ views on the topics we discussed. It opened my mind to how similar and different we can be, and also to the different ways we think and argue. I like that we were able to communicate through the comments. We were also anonymous (at least most of us!) therefore totally disregarding age, ethnicity, etc. and that just allowed for a more inviting and liberating writing environment. My least favorite thing about the class was the group papers. It was just difficult to keep track of our schedules and fit them to each other’s. I did gain something from it like learning how to communicate with different people and allocating time. However, in the end, that wasn’t what taught me how to think critically. It was more of the individual reflections and the interactive blogs that really taught me the gist of this class. I guess this class can be more fun if we could incorporate other types of posts like videos or pictures. But overall, this class was really helpful and I’m glad I took it! 


  1. I agree with you about the blogs and discussions. I also enjoyed hearing everyone's opinions on certain topics. Having the online blog made it so that everyone pretty much had to comment. This made the discussions easier to comment on because everyone was sharing their opinion. In a classroom, our peers might not share what they think. Having an alias made it an open place to share (even though it was required). I was happy that everyone was mostly encouraging and kind on the blog comments even though they had alias and that could leave room to be rude. I agree with you on the topic of the group work. The groups forced me to step out and communicate and be patient.

  2. I totally agree with you saying that the favorite thing about this class was the use of blog and discussions. I feel comfortable to use it when I need to say what I think towards every chapter every week. Besides, I like the way that our professor grades us on every week’s posts and comments on other classmates. I think it is so fair to the one who has done a great job and put any effort on our assignment. On the other hand, I have learn something new from this class by the reading every week. I believe I can claim a better and strong argument in the future.
