Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hi there!

My name's 'Louise.'  I'm 19 years old and this is my third year at SJSU, majoring in pre-nursing. I love interior designing which I've considered as a minor but I'm not too keen on the idea of actually designing for different people, but we'll see! I love blogging on Tumblr and Blogspot as well and just reflecting on little, everyday things. My current obsessions are the shows Dexter and Pretty Little Liars! I love artists like Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Kelly Clarkson, Birdy, etc. I'm also really loving Ed Sheeran right now so for Ed Sheeran lovers out there, high five! :)

I took this class as I thought it would be helpful in analyzing and interpreting different situations whether it be during school, work or communicating in general. I've only taken Comm 20 before which helped me become more comfortable talking to an audience, although I still get nervous! I thought this class would be an interesting approach to communicating more effectively. I've taken Foods & Nutrition as an online class but it's nothing like this where we get to write and actually communicate with other classmates. I'm looking forward to learning more about communication and working with all of you! :)

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